Daily Meditation

Daily online guided meditation sessions are conducted by taking Aajiva Atthamaka Seela (8 livelihood precepts) and with a detailed motivational Dhamma sermon that is mainly focused on the Sutta Pitaka which includes teachings that would lead one towards attaining Nibbana (stilling of all preparations of the mind which can be experienced through four levels).

These sessions are one and half hours long and the object of the guided meditation changes weekly.

Sinhala Daily at 4.30 AM

GMT +5:30

Weekend Dhamma Sermons

Weekly Dhamma sermons are conducted for the well experienced practitioners with an insightful guided meditation session attached to each one. These sessions will be conducted for one and half hours.

Sinhala Every Saturday at 4.00 PM
GMT +5:30
English Every Saturday at 12.00 PM
GMT +5:30

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Asanka Vitharana